In Memoriam: Remembering Aryc Mosher

25 Jul, 2023
4 min read

On 1 July 2023, the trachoma community was deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing of Aryc Mosher at his home in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Aryc was a passionate and tireless advocate in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Throughout his career, he demonstrated a remarkable range of expertise, providing technical support to national programs, fostering community engagement, and facilitating donor collaboration and investment for various programs and operational research. Aryc was firmly committed to meeting the needs of marginalized communities, which he achieved by fostering open and transparent collaborations at national, regional and global levels to support communities affected by NTDs. His technical expertise, charismatic charm, warmth and diplomacy made him a world-respected colleague and friend to many across the global NTD and broader development communities.

Aryc started his career as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali, West Africa. He served as The Carter Center Country Director for Ghana, after which he progressed to  Assistant Director, in Atlanta, Georgia, before joining the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle, Washington. During his career, he also shared his expertise as a consultant at Sightsavers in the United Kingdom and the International Trachoma Initiative in Atlanta, Georgia. Since 2016, Aryc was the Senior Technical Advisor on NTDs with the United States Agency for International Development, where he made significant contributions to global health and development programs. Outside of his career, Aryc had a deep love for his family and devoted himself to serving his local community. He generously dedicated his time and expertise to numerous community initiatives near his home, leaving a lasting impact on those he interacted with. Notably, he held the position of Vice Chair on the Atlanta Pride Board, an organization that held immense personal significance to him.

Aryc Mosher and Shelia West, New York City
Aryc Mosher and Shelia West, New York City

Aryc was a consistent and vocal champion of the work of the International Coalition for Trachoma Control. He regularly challenged ‘business as usual’ approaches and always offered insightful critiques that encouraged ICTC members and observers to work together in partnership to advance our shared goals. He was well known for his enthusiastic and thought-provoking presentations that motivated members of the trachoma community to strengthen its support to health ministries through sustainable programs that strengthen health systems and leave no one behind. His kindness and gracious nature will always be remembered.

The International Coalition for Trachoma Control extends its sincerest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Aryc. In particular, we share our deepest sympathies with his beloved spouse, Kenneth Ray Morris. 

In honor of Aryc's remarkable life and commitment to the Atlanta Pride organization, we kindly invite you to consider making a donation as a way to celebrate his memory. To contribute, please visit the Atlanta Pride Donation page at:

Aryc Mosher with his friends PJ Hooper, Lisa Rotondo, Chad MacArthur and Simon Brooker.

Condolence messages may be shared on the community led memory board, which will close on 15 August and printed for Aryc’s family:

You can view Aryc’s official obituary here as well as a link to a recorded video of this memorial service:

Below we would like to share some of the beautiful messages shared by individuals at ICTC member organizations  who have worked closely with Aryc over the years:

Aryc was such a special man. One of the kindest, big-hearted people you were ever likely to meet. I’m proud to have lured him from Guinea worm to the trachoma community where he worked with us all - and touched the lives of millions
Paul Emerson, Director, International Trachoma Initiative
Aryc always wanted to make sure everyone felt included and that they had a place, and I truly think that he is one of the reasons so many of us in trachoma have stayed—Aryc helped us find our place.
Stephanie Palmer, Trachoma Technical Advisor, Act to END NTDs| West, FHI360
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