How we work
ICTC’s coalition membership structure includes voting members (NGOs and academia) and non-voting observers (industry, donors and WHO), with a member-elected governance team (the Executive Group), and a secretariat to support and operationalize ICTC’s strategic plan.
ICTC’s operating model is adaptable to meet the needs of its membership and in the past has included working with a nominated grant manager and the creation of a program advisory committee from ICTC’s membership, to provide technical support to funded ICTC partnership initiatives.
ICTC’s operating model ensures flexibility and agility to build further mechanisms of collaboration that deliver on ICTC’s strategic objectives.
ICTC’s work and activities are member driven and led through a series of working groups and adhoc task teams led by members and designed to facilitate collaborative work streams that support ICTC’s contribution to the global elimination of trachoma as a public health problem.
Executive Group members

ICTC Executive Group
The ICTC Executive Group includes three positions: Chair, Vice-Chair and Immediate Past Chair. Every two years, an election is held for the position of Vice Chair. At that meeting, the previous Vice Chair moves into the position of Chair and the previous Chair moves into the position of Immediate past Chair. Our current governance and leadership model seeks to ensure institutional memory and knowledge management through ICTC’s continued evolution as a collaborative platform and coalition.
Nominated and elected by voting members, ICTC Executive Group members represent the interests of the coalition.
Every two years, at the formal meeting linked with the GET2020 Alliance, an election is held for the position of Vice Chair. At that meeting, the previous Vice Chair moves into the position of Chair and the previous Chair moves into the position of Immediate past Chair. In the event that a GET2020 Alliance meeting does not take place, the Executive Group is responsible for finding an alternative situation to conduct elections.